Small and successful, with a mission to do the best by our clients. At Trendsetter Travel & Cruise we take the time to know our clients, so that we can offer a tailored service to meet your travel needs.
Started in 1992 by Adrienne Witteman, Trendsetter Travel & Cruise has always worked from the belief that each travel experience counts. We have a passion for delivering high quality service with first-hand knowledge and expertise in travel.
Trendsetter Travel is committed to ongoing AFTA (Australian Federation of Travel Agents) ATAS accreditation and is a proud member of:
- Virtuoso, the most prestigious luxury travel agency group worldwide with membership by invitation. This alliance allows us to offer our clients exclusive and complimentary benefits – free upgrades and breakfasts, food and beverage credits, included shore excursions, access to the best experiences, and a host of other benefits that offer real value.
- Cruiseco, for fabulous exclusive cruise deals.
- IAGTO, the global trade organisation of the golf tourism industry. IAGTO has over 2,250 member companies in 98 countries including 568 golf tour operators in 62 countries. Membership of IAGTO allows Trendsetter Travel to secure wholesale rates for both tee times and accommodation at most golf courses and golf resorts throughout the world – usually at significantly lower rates than individuals looking to book their own tee times or accommodation.
Trendsetter Travel can provide all of our clientele, from budget to deluxe, with travel product to meet their travel dreams. Scroll down to find out more about each of us – we would be delighted to assist you when next you travel.
Meet the Team

Adrienne WittemanNorthwood / Longueville
Truly a mixture, Managing Director Adrienne is New Zealand born of Dutch and Scottish parents, and has called Sydney home since 1984.
At 17, her parents wouldn’t let her buy a motorbike but would let her fly alone to Sydney and take the bus 1700kms to Mackay to visit friends! She still has a souvenir icecream wrapper in that first travel diary (Australia was very exotic way back then) and while the mode of travel has definitely changed, her desire to get out and see the world hasn’t. Having lived in Japan, this remains Adrienne’s favourite destination but everywhere else she’s been – including Mexico, South America, Bhutan, mainland USA, Hawaii, Canada, Alaska, Fiji, Tahiti, Africa including Morocco, continental Europe, Ireland, China, India and Asia generally – always hold a lot of promise. Especially if travelling with golf clubs! Send Adrienne an invitation and she’s there…
Adrienne is professionally qualified with a BA (Japanese) and an MBA (AGSM)

David CooperNorthwood/Longueville
David’s primary passion is for golf, a sport he has enjoyed since high school. As the Director of Marketing at Trendsetter, David’s current focus is combining small luxury cruise ship journeys with first class golf itineraries to create fabulous Golf Cruise tours. However, he is equally adept at arranging golf tours everywhere with previous highlight trips being to Ireland, Scotland, Arizona and New Zealand. David also has a penchant for Military History and his small group tours (maximum 7 people) to Europe and America are highly enjoyable, as evidenced by a strong repeat factor.
David is professionally qualified with a first class honours degree in Economics.
Judy LegrasNorthwood / Longueville
Judy started work in the travel industry in 1968. With a yearning to explore more for herself, she set off round the world in 1971, first cruising to Southampton via the USA and then travelling throughout the UK and Europe, to eventually finish off the trip with a stint working in Switzerland. While widely travelled, Judy’s most memorable and recent journeys have been tours to Morocco and South Africa. She enjoys all aspects of travel and is always seeking out new destinations but particularly likes coach touring, solace for a busy travel agent as you can sit back and let someone else do the driving – and thereby enjoy the sights and experiences of different countries in a most relaxing fashion! Having caught the cruising bug on her first trip, Judy has since cruised in Asia and the South Pacific but nowadays you’ll find her in semi-retirement, committed to her adorable grandson Oscar, her beloved knitting needles, and Trendsetter’s bookkeeping.